How to Take Care of Yourself After Marriage Breakdown

Going through a divorce or separation after a marriage breaks down can be one of the most difficult things we can experience.
At What Age Can A Child Choose Which Parent To Live With?

The weight given to a child’s wishes when it comes to their care arrangements is a complex issue and depends on the individual circumstances.
Duty of Disclosure

Charlie Robinson discusses Duty of Disclosure in relation to Parenting & Financial matters and what can happen if someone doesn’t provide full disclosure.
Family Violence

Family Lawyer, Cassandra Rush, explains what family violence is, the different definitions and dynamics, and most importantly, how to get help.
Property Settlement (Video Explainer)

Tonkin Lawyer, Cassandra Rush talks about crystallising the asset pool, and which assets and liabilities are accounted for during a property settlement.

Learn about parenting agreements, co-parenting, shared parental responsibility and consent orders, to help you navigate parenting matters after separating.

Richard Tonkin discusses government, private and law firm mediation, the decision making process and how decisions are formalised.

Find out what is needed to apply for a divorce with Accredited Family Law Specialist, Richard Tonkin.
Financial Agreements

St John Heath, Partner at Tonkin Legal and an Accredited Law Specialist shares some helpful facts about the types of agreements available.
Adult Child Maintenance

In some cases, child support extends into adult child maintenance. Accredited Law Specialist St John Heath discusses adult child maintenance.